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If you used `projectlog::log_milestones` throughout our project, this function can be used to summarise them in a bulleted list. By default, this function is included in the top-level README file as generated by `projectlog`. If you did not use `projectlog` to generate your project, you can run this function to generate the milestone overview and paste it in a location of your choice.


generate_milestone_overview(copy = FALSE)



Boolean. If TRUE, the bulleted overview of milestones is copied to the clipboard.


A bulleted overview of the project milestones, including the type of milestone (e.g., first-time data access, timestamped preregistration), a link to the GitHub commit, and (in the case of first-time data access) the unique MD5 hash of the data read into the R environment, as well as a link to the code that was used to read the data.