Below you can find the codebooks of the data sets used for the primary analyses. To download them, go here.
## # A tibble: 13 × 3
## Variable Label Values
## <chr> <chr> <lgl>
## 1 subj_idx Unique subject identifier NA
## 2 dccs_a Drift Diffusion Model, Boundary separations of the Attenti… NA
## 3 dccs_v Drift Diffusion Model, Drift rates of the Attention Shifti… NA
## 4 dccs_t Drift Diffusion Model, Non-decision times of the Attention… NA
## 5 flanker_a Drift Diffusion Model, Boundary separations of the Inhibit… NA
## 6 flanker_v Drift Diffusion Model, Drift rates of the Inhibition Task NA
## 7 flanker_t Drift Diffusion Model, Non-decision times of the Inhibitio… NA
## 8 pcps_a Drift Diffusion Model, Boundary separations of the Process… NA
## 9 pcps_v Drift Diffusion Model, Drift rates of the Processing Speed… NA
## 10 pcps_t Drift Diffusion Model, Non-decision times of the Processin… NA
## 11 rotation_a Drift Diffusion Model, Boundary separations of the Mental … NA
## 12 rotation_v Drift Diffusion Model, Drift rates of the Mental Rotation … NA
## 13 rotation_t Drift Diffusion Model, Non-decision times of the Mental Ro… NA
## # A tibble: 14 × 3
## Variable Label Values
## <chr> <chr> <lgl>
## 1 subj_idx Unique subject identifier NA
## 2 dep_mnlfa Summed Material deprivation score (MNFLA corrected) NA
## 3 threat_mnlfa Summed Household threat score (MNLFA corrected) NA
## 4 age_c Age in months (centered) NA
## 5 sex Child sex (0 = male, 1 = female) NA
## 6 age_m Age in months NA
## 7 eth_white Ethnicity Dummy variable - White NA
## 8 eth_black Ethnicity Dummy variable - Black NA
## 9 eth_hisp Ethnicity Dummy variable - Hispanic NA
## 10 eth_other Ethnicity Dummy variable - Other NA
## 11 inr Income-to-needs ratio NA
## 12 inr_c Income-to-needs ratio (centered) NA
## 13 high_edu Highest education of parents in years NA
## 14 high_edu_c Highest education of parents in years (centered) NA